Friday, December 14, 2007

Apron Pockets

It's all about aprons, right now. Because it's Christmas Time and that means Holiday Baking, and that means donning an apron.

And what Christmas Cookie Marathon would be complete without a new apron? I had purchased some very nice funky Christmas Tree fabric last year at the dollar sale and when I ran across it while digging through a box for something else entirely, I knew I had to get it out and make an apron. With the help, of course, of my Trusty Sewing Apprentice.

Checkin' each seam, Checkin' it twice!

Finding the Straight of Grain is important to keep the apron from bagging inappropriately.

I wish I had taken an 'all finished' photo, but this apron has already been given away to the friend who helped me with all the baking. Hope she's not allergic to cat tails.

Oddly, and delightfully, while I was up late last night completing a few other baking tasks, I noticed that there was something in the pocket of my apron.

Dog Biscuits!!!!!?

1 comment:

SmilingsMyFavorite said...

Try one. Maybe their mints!