Sunday, January 09, 2011

Flower Power!

Well, the photo glitch isn't fixed--it's a known issue and they are working on it--but they do offer a simple solution to sneak around it by merely switching over to the Old Editor, uploading your photos, and then switching back to the New Editor in order to do the writing. Works for me!


 There was sunshine and blue skies and it was no longer a cold and broken Hallelujah but rather the full-tilt, full-lilt major lift kind of Hallelujah!

I took off to enjoy the day, that is for sure.

And what better place to enjoy the day than a trip to Trader Joes?
I took flower pictures and a picture of this darling girl's PINK BOOTS !! PINK BOOTS!!!

Pink Boots with Polka Dots! If that's not a harbinger of spring I have no idea what is!

I hope your day is full of polka dots, too!

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