Thursday, May 14, 2009

Cozy Up

I've been longing for some new tea cozies for over a year. But I never had the energy to make one!

It requires piecing and quilting an entire design. Or, if I was to make a one-fabric cozy, it would still need to be quilted. The task just seemed daunting and so it never got underway.

Until! My Pink Brain! kicked into 'AHA!' when I was at the thrift store this morning!

I spotted some very nice PILLOW SHAMS. For $1.99 each. Fully pieced and quilted and fully calling out to me to buy them and cut them up.

So I did.

A simple shape.

A quick whip around on the old machine.

I'm so happy! Aren't you?

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Ah-ha! Brilliant!!

Queen Q