Saturday, November 11, 2006


I realized yesterday that I didn't want to stare at this wall another minute:

I learned long ago that the best way to cope with a lackadaisical attitude towards deep cleaning is to rearrange often! If I am rearranging the furniture, I am right in there dusting, vacuuming and wiping down surfaces. Otherwise...I'll walk past something for a week thinking, "Ew! That needs to be dusted!" When it gets to the "Ew, this is creeping me out!" stage, I will REARRANGE the entire room, cleaning and dusting as I go. I don't understand it, but it's what I do! So now that wall looks like THIS:

And there isn't a dust mote in sight! (For the moment, tee hee!)

I got a head's up from Amanda of Soule Mama that she was posting the pictures of her adorable little toddler Adelaide in the outfit I made for her! And they are up today! Go Look! I am such a fan of her blog and her philosophies, not to mention her amazing talent, so I am just honored that she liked the outfit! Thanks, Amanda!


Janet said...

I always enjoy the photos of your home. It looks so welcoming and comfortable and like a place where I'd love to sit and chat. I'm the same way about cleaning. I don't much like to do it but when I rearrange things I clean everything in sight!

The photos of the little girl wearing the outfit you made are just so cute. And the buttons seem to be a hit....I knew they would be when you described them. You are very talented.

Unknown said...

And a beautiful re-arrangement it is too!!! Looks so cozy and comfy.

I think this is the first time I've been to your blog so I want to make sure I leave a comment.

And I'm sure I'll be back for more visits.

I also noticed your kitty all asnooze on the bedcovers....cute, cute, cute!! (But it helps that I'm a cat lover---why our kitties have a blog of their own. *laughing*)

Carole Burant said...

You have such a beautiful home and I love the way you re-arranged this wall!! Want to come do mine now? lol I noticed my furniture was getting dusty again...hmmmm maybe if I move that there...and this here....oh noooo look what you've started!!! hehe Hugs xox